Biotechnology Signing
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How do I use this resource?
Biotechnology is biology which provides some kind of use to us. This webpage contains BSL/English descriptions of some aspects of biotechnology focused arouns three simple experiments involving DNA and DNA technology. Scroll down for more information on this project. Click on the links below to work through each of the experiments. Some of the movies may take a while to load up, please be patient. (If you are using windows media you will need to run your mouse over videos to make them play.)

Find out more about background biology, vocabulary and equipment for each of the experiments using the green navigation bar.

Resource Design
This resource has been designed with the lowest common denominator HTML standards (HTML 3.2) to ensure compliance with all the major Internet browsers. In addition to HTML, the resource also utilised JavaScript, which is compatible with all major browsers; providing the JavaScript option has not been disabled. There are no cookies created by this resource.

Recommended Browsers:
The table below shows the earliest versions of some of the most commonly availabe Internet browsers suitable for viewing this resource. If your browser has a higher version number than those in the table then viewing the site should be no problem.

This resource was developed using the Firefox web browser, for best results please use Firefox (Available for free from
Browser: Version Website
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.00+
Firefox All versions
Netscape Navigator 4.06+
Mozilla 4.02+
Opera 4.02+

Minimum Computer Specifications:
This resource contains some large video clips which need a fairly modern computer to properly run. If your computer has atleast the minimum specifications outlined in the table below, the resource should run on your computer.

Component Minimum Recommended
Processoratleast 1 GHz

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Sign BSL